Tuesday 18 September 2012

Guest interview - Lucy Felthouse

I’m lucky enough to have Lucy Felthouse on the blog today – answering all my questions about ‘Finally Found’ which is in the Lover Unexpected anthology. I couldn’t resist asking a few extra questions which are just pure nosiness!

Book blurb –
Girlfriends share lots of things, including their most sinful secrets. When those secrets involve love, lust and long denied desire, sparks are sure to fly. And sometimes, there is no denying the need for a woman’s touch. In this volume you’ll find seven delicious stories of sensual, daring women who open their hearts to discover love, fulfillment and satisfaction—closer than they expected.

 About the story

Q. If you had to sum up ‘Finally Found’ in 30 words or less what would you say?
It's a friends-to-lovers story with fun, humour and erotica thrown in – literally! The characters read an erotic anthology! J

Q. What/who inspired you to write it?
It was actually written specifically for the call for submissions from Evernight Publishing. They wanted lesbian friends-to-lovers stories, so I thought long and hard and came up with Finally Found. And I had fun writing in some of the places in London that I've been to.

Q. It’s a great title, where did it come from?
I have no idea. I'm pretty rubbish at titles, so I'm glad you like it!

Q. Where did you find inspiration for your characters? Are they a little bit you, people you know, or inspired from what you see/hear?
I tend to base many of my characters on actors and actresses. Check out my Pinterest board to see my character inspirations: http://pinterest.com/cw1985/finally-found/

Q. What do you most like about Natalia and Ashleigh? If you met them would you love them or would they drive you mad?
I like their senses of humour, and their happy-go-lucky attitude. They're good fun, and I think I'd love them if I met them. We could continue exploring London together!
Q. I know you always have lots of stories in the pipeline, any you’d like to mention?
Yes – I have a new release coming tomorrow. It's my first gay story, and it's military erotica! It's a short story called Ditched and is published by Resplendence Publishing. Here's the link: http://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/ditched/

I also have quite a lot of other stuff in the pipeline. I just sold my first story to Ellora's Cave. It's called A Taste of London (yes, London again!) and is the first in a series which will then go to Paris, Rome and beyond... I also have quite a lot coming up in terms of other stories in anthologies.

I'm currently writing a novel, too. But that's a work in progress – but if I'm lucky that'll be published at some point, too!

And getting personal…
Q. Where/when do you write?
Where: usually in my office directly on to my laptop. Occasionally I'll take a notebook into my bedroom or the garden and get some words down and type them up later. If I sit in the garden, though, my dog insists on sitting on my knee and 'helping' by trying to lick my face! NOT sexy.

Q. What part of writing do you enjoy most, coming up with the idea, planning, writing it or typing The End?!
Typing The End, I think. Especially at the moment – I'm writing my first novel and it feels so strange to keep writing and writing on the same story and characters. My current word count is around 27k and I keep thinking how many short stories I'd have finished in this time. Having said that, I'm enjoying writing it, so let's hope 'The End' isn't too far away and that a publisher will take the book. Fingers crossed!

Q. Sum yourself up in 30 words or less?!
I'm laid-back and don't tend to worry too much about things—unless they're really important things. I love writing, I love my job, I love my friends, family, etc...

Q. Do you spend much time reading? What’s your favourite bedtime/holiday read? Favourite author/genre?
I spend lots of time reading! I review books, too, so I've always got one on the go. I tend to alternate a dirty book with a clean book. I don't have a favourite bedtime or holiday read, I just keep reading whatever I was reading. I don't have a favourite author, either. I read so much and so widely that I just couldn't pick a single one. After erotic romance, I'm a sucker for paranormal. But just lately I've been getting into thrillers. I quite fancy writing a spy thriller one day, but with the sex left in!

Q. Coffee or tea (or wine!)?
None of the above. Unless it's fruit tea.

Q. Starter or dessert?
Dessert. I have a sweet tooth.

Q. Favourite place in the world?
The Peak District, followed closely by Paris.

Q. What would you be doing if time, money, age were no object?
Everything!! I love to travel and explore new places and cultures. One of my lottery fantasies (there are lots, so I'll only mention one or we'll be here for weeks) is to rent a huge camper van in America and go exploring. I know so many writers over there that it'd be great to go and meet some of them, too.

I'd also be having a house built from scratch in the Peak District with lots of land and stunning views over the countryside. And it would have an enormous library and a swimming pool and sauna.

Q. Best bit of advice you’ve ever been given, and by whom?
One of my tutors at University taught me that you have to learn to edit yourself. Even if you love a particular word, phrase or sentence, if it doesn't make the story better, you have to be prepared to remove it. Unfortunately, the tutor is no longer with us, but I try hard to make sure his teachings live on in my work.

Where can your readers find you?
On my website, http://lucyfelthouse.co.uk.
And finally, on my author newsletter, http://eepurl.com/gMQb9

Bio -
Lucy is a graduate of the University of Derby, where she studied Creative Writing. During her first year, she was dared to write an erotic story - so she did. It went down a storm and she's never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Constable and Robinson, Decadent Publishing, Ellora's Cave, Evernight Publishing, House of Erotica, Ravenous Romance, Resplendence Publishing, Sweetmeats Press and Xcite Books. She is also the editor of Uniform Behaviour, Seducing the Myth, Smut by the Sea and Smut in the City.

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