Monday 5 November 2012

A little taster!

Life has been a bit hectic over the last couple of weeks, but I'm not complaining! One of the good things that has happened is the release of my erotic novel 'Riding High' - here's a taster, and there will be lots more snippets and insights when I do my blog tour, from November 26th -30th, I'll post the where and when here, hope you can join me then!

In the meantime.... I'm over Deadra Krieger's blog this Thursday 8th, I've been lucky enough to nab a 'Thankful Animals and Author's' slot to chat about a couple of the rescue animals that I've shared my life with. Her book 'Ruff Love: True Tails of Rescue' has just been released - have you checked it out yet? Click here if you haven't!


‘Ahh, looks like I’ll have to watch my manners, then.’ He grinned, a big, dirty grin that said he wasn’t planning on watching his manners at all. ‘Unless I want some rough handling.’ He was close. Too close, far too close. Sending a strong whiff of maleness in her direction. It could have been aftershave; it could have been hormones, but who cared? It was making her feel seriously randy.
‘Yes.’ Which came out all squeaky. Calm. She just had to be calm and relaxed. ‘What do you fancy?’
He leant forward a bit, resting his tanned, muscled forearms on the bar, and caught her arm with his thumb, which didn’t help at all. ‘Well –’ his laugh rumbled round her ‘ –seeing as you’re asking …’
Christ, she must be able to stop blushing, and she really must be able to say something that didn’t sound like she was asking permission to jump him. Except she was asking, wasn’t she?
Talking to men had never been her strong point, and it would seem that even at 30 it still wasn’t. Maybe five long years of a soulless marriage and the type of sex that made your eyes water for all the wrong reasons had made her even worse at it.
She shifted her arm nervously away. This wasn’t how she normally behaved at all, but he was just so sexy, or she was sex-starved and desperate. Or both.
‘I think I better …’ She edged back, trying to ignore the way his gaze raked over her body, but her nipples were peaking in response, and her stomach was coiled with a fierce kind of hunger. She straightened a glass that didn’t need it; what was she even doing here? Just for once she’d thought a change of scene would do her good, help her forget the disaster she once called a life. And it might have done if Mr Sex-on-Legs hadn’t walked in.
‘I’ll go for the bitter if you promise to pull it nice and slow.’ He grinned. ‘No rough handling.’ He shifted back a bit on the bar stool, and she remembered she knew how to breathe.
‘Fine, I promise to pull it exactly how it’s supposed to be pulled.’ There must have been the teacher’s edge to her voice from the slightly amused look he shot her, but it was something she couldn’t help; that instinctive warning when somebody was telling her how to suck eggs. Even if he was making her all gooey inside, which proved she wasn’t a completely lost cause when it came to men, and almost made her smile.
He reached out just as she put the beer down, so that for a brief moment his hand covered hers, sending another shiver of something that really wasn’t good straight through her body. ‘I can’t persuade you to stop for a sec and have a drink with me?’ He glanced pointedly round the deserted pub. ‘Join me on the wrong side of the bar, seeing as you’re not exactly run off your feet?’
‘Well …’
‘Just for one before you shut up shop for the night? I promise I won’t bite.’
Biting might be good.

Hope you enjoyed it! Yippee, I've just spotted the first review - a 5* on amazon uk!!
Buy links: Amazon (UK) or Amazon (com)

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